some of academic and business research works

Academic - MBA

# Promotion of Bangladeshi Business Consultancy Firms Using Facebook (MBA Internship Study)
# Promotion of Bangladeshi Web Designing Firms Using Facebook

Find more studies during MBA including the stated works here.

Academic - BBA

# Possibility of Promoting Products through Facebook (BBA Project, Bangladesh Context)
# Technology Use of Bangladeshi SME’s on Sales Activity, Focus to IT Goods Selling SME’s
# Consumer Behavior Study on Nokia

Find more studies during MBA including the stated works here.

Reporting Works - SHAON84

SHAON Annual Report 2009

Details: For the website ‘SHAON84’ (former 'SHAON'), first annual report in the world for a personal website
Area: All task. Get the report

SHAON Annual Report 2008
Details: For the website ‘SHAON84’ (former 'SHAON'), first annual report in the world for a personal website
Area: All task. Get the report

SHAON Annual Report 2007
Details: For the website ‘SHAON84’ (former 'SHAON'), first annual report in the world for a personal website
Area: All task. Get the report

Online Profiles: LinkedIn | Academia | TED | SHAON84 showcase of a life