SHAON84 Xtra

'SHAON84 Xtra', taglined 'department of departmentless' is one of the major brands of SHAON84. Generally, this page belongs to all pages which don't match with the core concepts of other Top/Major Brands of SHAON84 (like: writing, filming, computing, personal information etc.). But it doesn't mean, pages which match with other pages' concept cannot be here.

As long as, all pages in SHAON84 are administered under different major sections (which is called here as Major Brand), it creates a hindrance to launch new pages of different tastes (apart from concepts of existing sites). Having this page has removed that bottleneck a lot; but not completely. Initiating this page just initiates a new initiative to make visitors more satisfied with colorful & diversified contents of different sets of ideas, campaigns, projects or anything.

After a reasonable time period, each website under this section will either turn to a Major Brand or create another relevant major brand under SHAON84 or transferred to any other existing major brands as new section which is relevant. If none happens, then that page will be kept as-it-is as it was under this brand or closed after passing purpose serving period or else.

Pages under this section can be accessed from SHAON84 Xtra Home page. Keep SHAON84ing...

Other Detail
Page Launched: 7 July 2011
1st Texting of This Page: 7 July 2011

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